Life in Community
The best parts of life are alongside others in community. We weren't created to operate in isolation, but rather we were made to do life side-by-side and arm-in-arm.
If you are looking to grow deeper in community and in your faith walk, get connected to a community group. Many of our community groups are designed to connect you with others in similar stages of life. They meet in people's homes all over the Grand Rapids area at different times and different days. Other groups are more topical in nature and focus more on a specific need or curriculum.
No matter what your weekly schedule looks like, and what stage of life you are in, we can help you find the perfect small group that will meet your needs.
Join a group
Community groups are the best place to enter into deeper community, be challenged in your faith, and take part in outreach in your given context. Chances are, there's one already happening near you!
We have groups that meet all throughout the week with many different topics- and we would love to have you join us in one (or more) of them!
Women’s Group - meets Monday evenings at 6:30pm at The Story. Join the women of the Story as we enjoy some time together while we study the Bible. Activity nights will be held once a month.
Sunday Evening Group - meets Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm at The Story. Join us as we work through the study “Experiencing God.”
Wednesday Evening Group - meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at The Story. Join us for our Bible Study.
Thursday Ladies Group - meets Thursday afternoon off site. Join us as we work through a Book study.
Couples Group - meets Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm at The Story. Whether married or dating, join us as we discuss challenges of being in a relationship.
Devoted Group - meets the first Monday of the month at Mr Burger on Alpine. Each month a topic on how to be, stay, or get more devoted to God will be discussed and a corresponding month long devotional would be handed out.
We are always looking for people who have a passion for leading and discipling others, as well as those who love to host others in their home. Click below to learn more about the process.